jimmy barker
Senior Paralegal, Management Committee Member, and Operations Manager
Jimmy joined Beckham Portela in 2006, after previous careers in big law, securities, and the pharmaceutical industry. Jimmy works closely with Beckham Portela attorneys in preparing all cases for discovery, depositions, mediations, and trial. As a certified trial tech, Jimmy collaborates with the trial team in electronic presentation of evidence and testimony during trials.
In addition to case work, Jimmy also serves as an Operations Manager for the firm, responsible for reviewing, testing, and analyzing software and hardware to make recommendations to the Management Committee for all technology. He also negotiates and oversees vendor services and agreements, and plays a role in the acquisition and training of new talent for the firm.
Jimmy enjoys competing in triathlon, cycling, and running events. IronMan Class of 2017 and 2019, multiple 70.3s and other athletic events.
Southeastern Paralegal School, Paralegal Certificate (LAW)
University of North Texas, School of Public Affairs and Community Service
Bachelor of Science, Major Criminal Justice, Minor Political Science